Monday, August 24, 2009

Canada and the health reform debate

Even Canadian conservatives are getting tired of how reactionary wingnuts in the US are lying about our health care system here in Canada.

If any of my American readers are interested, here are a couple of videos that respond to the Republican lies.

American interview with a leader from Canadian Doctors for Medicare - including the late Tommy Douglas and a reference to the well known actor Keifer Sutherland.

A video produced for Canadian Doctors for Medicare - including former Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow.

A Canadian CONSERVATIVE Senator points out that Mitch McConnell's attacks on Canadian Medicare are not based in facts.

As one of our party leaders said during the last Canadian election, "don't let them tell you it can't be done."

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I am sooo tired of all those lies from republicans also. All of a sudden they made Canadian health care comparable with the one in third world countries. I mean come on, I'm sure our system has few flaws here and there but to absolutely destroy its reputation is just wrong. Thanks for those videos, I wish they would play those on every channel in the US instead of commercials.

    Take care, Lorne
