Monday, November 15, 2010

By the Numbers

The number of Church of England clergy proposing to seek admission to the Anglican Ordinariate:
That number as a percentage of CofE clergy:
The number of people David Virtue falsely claimed to be the total membership of the No Anglican Covenant Coalition:
The real number of people involved in launching the No Anglican Covenant Coalition:
The number of people signed up to the No Anglican Covenant Coalition in less than two weeks:
The number of people who Like the official No Anglican Covenant Facebook Page:
The number of times so far this month that supporters of the Anglican Covenant have violated Godwin's Law in the pages of the Church Times or on the BBC:
at least 2
The number of responses usually received on a Church Times Question of the Week:
~200 to 250
The number of responses received last week when they asked if the Church of England should reject the proposed Anglican Covenant:
The percentage of respondents who wanted to reject the Anglican Covenant:
The percentage who did not want to reject the Anglican Covenant:
The percentage who, having been frightened by the hysterical rhetoric of the Bishop of St. Asaph, were presumably checking under their beds for fascists:
The percentage of the Anglican Communion's bureaucratic infrastructure that is financed by North American Anglicans (excluding donations from the mostly American Compass Rose Society and from Trinity Church, Wall Street):
~36 to 38
The percentage increase in the Anglican Communion's expenditure on Travel and Subsistence between 2008 and 2009:
The percentage increase in the Anglican Communion's expenditure on Accommodation and Meetings between 2008 and 2009:
The total increase expenditure in those two areas in GBP:
In US$:
In C$:
The percentage of Simple Massing Priests who question the financial propriety of spending an extra GBP 491,717 / US$ 791,428 / C$ 799,287 on Travel and Meetings when there are better things to spend that money on:
The percentage of that extra expenditure dedicated to advancing the Anglican Covenant - and the exclusion of North American Anglicans from the Anglican Communion:
The percentage of my blog readers who would sooner spend GBP 491,717 / US$ 791,428 / C$ 799,287 on developing safe drinking water infrastructure or buying anti-malarial mosquito netting or supporting and expanding HIV treatment programs in the two-thirds world:
You Tell Me


Ann said...

100% of sea shell sellers vote for mosquito nets and safe water.

Nick said...

I'm all for mosquito nets.

At $10 apiece and 3 kids a net, that's...

# of lives of children (<5 yrs old) potentially saved with travel funds... 240,000

June Butler said...

100% of wounded birds vote for safe water, mosquito nets, medical treatment for cholera victims, and safety measures to keep the epidemic from spreading.

Wormwood's Doxy said...

I'm with Ann, Nick, and Mimi....

Paddy said...

I'm increasingly of the opinion that the majority of 'headline' issues that we Anglicans are so concerned about at the moment are time-wasters distracting us from the real mission of the Church (see my most recent blog entry on this topic). The love of Christ is increasingly invisible amidst all the rhetoric.

Leonard said...

I promise you that South of the Border(s) we want CLEAN DRINKING WATER--the whole expediture(s) ought be sent in ¨medical survival needs¨ by boatload to Haiti and leave the ¨Meeting Meeters¨ to grumble in their beards over Tea!

Meanwhile, I also promise you that LGBTI Anglicans/others are deeply involved with helping one another survive desperation--who in the World needs anyones permission for that? Nobody, as usual, nobody!

JimB said...

In the time it takes to hear / preach a 10 minute sermon 28 children are killed* by contaminated water. Even without the deaths and rapes caused by the homophobes, that is enough data to re-direct the wasted money to clean water projects.


(* Source is UNICEF)

Chelliah Laity said...

Dematerialisation - the substitution of high carbon products and activities with low carbon alternatives i.e teleworking, video conferencing, e-billing is the answer.

Bruce said...

I vote for drinking water.

Instead of all that travel, why don't they get with the 21st Century. Hold the meetings over the internet and webcast them so there is no secrecy!

Elizabeth Kaeton said...

100% of people who Tell Secrets would rather support mosquito nets and safe water than the Anglican Covenant.

WV: ingsob. Hmmm . . . .

Caminante said...

Pure Water for the World (also a not-for-profit organisation created and run by a member of the congregation I serve) — that is where our money should go along with the eradication of malaria.

Mary-Cauliflower said...

100% of Cauliflowers (adjusted for gratin *and* vinaigrette) who'd like to see the money spent on literacy, food supply security and disease eradication.

cryptogram said...

I've been scouring Matthew 25 to try and get an answer to your question. I can't find anything that remotely approximates to the Lord asking or sheep or goats replying about whether they consented to a covenant or not.

On the other hand, "Lord, when did we see you suffering from cholera, without safe drinking water and besieged by mosquitoes" does sort of score on the dynamic equivalence chart.

Leonard said...

Here is the Drexel Gomez link(s) to a entry of mine...sorry to be late, I just read your request at Thinking Anglicans. Leonardo